
徳島杉と藍染め/ Japanese Cedar wood and Indigo dyed


In Japan, Tokushima is a major producer of indigo plant and has a history dating back more than 700 years. It was also well known for beautiful colorfast high-grade dye all over Japan. By developing a unique paste-like substance from the traditionally-produced indigo and treating it as a pigment rather than a dye, we established a technology that can be used as a paint or spray and applied it to designs that make use of grain as part of construction materials, interiors, or small objects.

阿波藍 / Awa ai


JAPAN BLUEとして、浮世絵などに使われたタデ科からの藍が豊富な色彩表現を持つことで、藍は世界からの注目を浴びました。その中でも阿波藍は日本を代表する藍として古くから知られています。現在も藍染の原材料の半数以上が徳島県から出荷されています。


In Japan, Tokushima is a major producer of indigo plant and has a history dating back more than 700 years. The origin of Awa Ai is still uncertain. According to one account, Hachisuka family introduced indigo to Awa (the old name of Tokushima area) in the Azuchi-Momoyama period (1568–1600 AD), but other evidence suggests that indigo was already an important source of revenue in the Muromachi period (1378-1573 AD).

In the Edo Period (1603-1867 AD), Awa Ai was extremely profitable under the protection and control of fiefs. Because of the effects of demands and production increases, the market share of dye in Japan was almost monopolized by Awa Ai, and these could be caused by creating the prosperity of Tokushima economically, socially and culturally.

After the year of 1903 (36th year of the Meiji period, the peak year of Awa Ai sales), the amount of production had been reducing because of importing Indian indigo which is cheaper than Awa Ai and Synthetic indigo which could be produced a lot and cheaper.

In recent years, people have more interest in nature-oriented and value-oriented products than before. Awa Ai products also have been evaluated as natural goods.